
Perfection is unattainable, but by striving for it, one can achieve excellence.

Our services

ConnectPartners accompany its clients and partners throughout their organisational evolution, favouring a tailor-made approach. We provide support for permanent and temporary recruitment needs, for administrative HR processes as well as for payrolling.    

Permanent / fixed investments

ConnectPartners stands out thanks to its proven expertise in the direct approach of high skilled professionals and experts, and its ability to meet your needs and expectations by selecting only the best candidates for your vacancies. 


We adapt to your needs :

  • Traditional search mandates – confidential or public
  • Exclusive search mandates – confidential
  • Confidential approach of potential candidates you have identified. 

For all our mandates, we offer :

  • A no-retainer approach. Beyond the guaranteed results, each one of them has to be earned
  • Optimal management of time and applications
  • Total control of the information communicated
  • Detailed monitoring/reporting of search progress -Depends on the action being taken not sure which one you would want to use
  • Access to market information on other companies in the sector 

Temporary placement / Payrolling

With over 13 years’ experience in this field, and thanks to its Cantonal and Federal Labour Leasing Licenses granted in 2010, ConnectPartners can lease personnel for temporary short and long-term missions. This solution provides you with flexibility so as you can stay focused on your core business. 


Our personnel management service is comprehensive.

Managing employees’ complete lifecycle. This includes: 

  • Drawing up contracts
  • Applying for work permits 
  • Absence management: illness, pregnancy, accident, holidays, etc.
  • Insurance and family allowances
  • Managing and paying salaries and social security contributions: AVS, LPP, etc.
  • Withholding tax at source (as well as attachments of salary if the situation arises)
  • Preparing annual salary certificates and tax at source attestations
  • Editing work certificates 

Connect Partners also provides payrolling services. Upon request, we can hire employees you have selected and manage, as an outsourcer, all administrative and salary functions.

The "Try & Hire" solution provides any company with a flexible and fail-safe recruitment process. 

Our expertise

Our client portfolio includes a wide range of companies that are well integrated into the economic life of the Lake Geneva region.
We value their trust and give our best to support them in their recruitment needs in
Switzerland and abroad.   

Sectoral expertise

  • Insurance
  • Banking / Finance
  • Public sector
  • Associations and Foundations
  • Law firms
  • Family offices
  • Real Estate
  • Luxury
  • Healthcare / Pharmaceutical

Functional expertise

  • Administration
  • Audit and accounting
  • Communication and marketing
  • Compliance, taxation, risks and legal
  • Sustainability expert
  • Project management
  • Operations, logistics and real estate
  • Human Resources
  • Sales

Our team will be able to support you whatever the seniority level of the profiles you are looking for, from employees, associates and specialists to managers or executive committee members.

Our methodology


Excellence is not an end in itself. It is a discipline to be respected and a daily objective. ConnectPartners uses a specific evaluation grid to assess candidates. The criteria are adapted to the precise needs of each position and the expectations of the client’s company. In the targeting and selection process, we take into account corporate culture and environment but also company’s ambitions and objectives.

Our systematic approach is based on an in-depth study of our client's industry and its players. We draw on our extensive network to source and identify potential candidates. We apply this methodology to all ConnectPartners' success-driven mandates. Placing the “right person in the right position” is our definition of success. With exclusive mandates, our tailor-made approach provides various advantages. 


The key steps to success


Analysing the position, defining its requirements and drafting the job specifications. Defining the profile matching the criteria. 


  • Searching and selecting the candidate profiles meeting the criteria
  • Full assessment of each potential candidate and thorough interviews
  • Systematic verification of professional references and, on request, running of tests
  • Preparation and presentation of the candidate’s profiles


Organising the interviews for selected candidates.


Supporting the recruited candidate on taking up his/her new duties during and after the probation period.

The key stages of success


Analysis and definition of the position(s) and preparation of specifications for the definition of the profile of the required candidate(s) corresponding to the position to be filled.


  • Search and selection of the selected candidate(s) meeting the defined criteria.
  • In-depth study and interviews with each candidate for the proposed position(s).
  • Systematic verification of professional references and, on request, organisation of tests.
  • Preparation and presentation of the file(s).


Organisation of appointments for selected candidates.


Accompaniment on taking up the duties of the candidate(s) recruited during and after the probationary period.


« Je travaille avec ConnectPartners depuis dix ans. Qualité, efficacité, confidentialité, pragmatisme et accueil chaleureux les caractérisent. Cette collaboration de longue date n’est pas le fruit du hasard, mais le reflet de leur remarquable engagement et de la qualité de leur travail. ConnectPartners connaît notre culture d’entreprise et nos enjeux. Une relation de confiance s’est installée au fil du temps et avec l’expérience nous avons développé des « benchmarks » communs nous permettant de gagner un temps précieux dans la sélection des candidats et d’aboutir à de nombreux succès. Je me réjouis de poursuivre notre collaboration ! »
« J’ai eu le plaisir de travailler avec ConnectPartners. Dès le début du processus de recrutement, ConnectPartners a fait preuve de professionnalisme et d’une grande compréhension par rapport à nos besoins. Le recruteur avec lequel nous avons travaillé était continuellement disponible pour un appel ou un courriel rapide afin de discuter du processus et de nous informer des candidats rencontrés. Notre expérience avec le cabinet a été remarquable. L’adéquation parfaite des candidats qui nous ont été proposés aux postes à combler est à l’image de l’excellent service à la clientèle qu’offre le cabinet. D’autant plus que le niveau de nos exigences égalait la difficulté des postes à combler, ce qui n’a nullement découragé l’équipe de ConnectPartners. Grâce à leur expertise dans le domaine bancaire, ils ont réussi à trouver à chaque fois la perle rare pour le rôle requis. Nous poursuivons notre collaboration et sommes très satisfaits de la fiabilité, du service, et de l’attention que nous recevons de leur part. Je considérerai sans hésiter collaborer avec ConnectPartners à l’avenir. »
« Notre société est en relation avec ConnectPartners depuis plusieurs années pendant lesquelles Monsieur Pereira Martin et ses collaborateurs ont su mettre leurs compétences à notre service afin de trouver « la /les perle(s) » qui manquait(ent) dans notre équipe. Nous avons développé au fil des ans des relations de confiance avec ConnectPartners et ses collaborateurs connaissent bien nos besoins. Ce qui leur permet de répondre à nos demandes avec des dossiers de qualité qui correspondent à nos attentes. Nous sommes ravis de cette relation et souhaitons qu’elle perdure longtemps. »
« My testimonial relates to my experience as a client of ConnectPartners. I have to admit that very few agencies provide such a service as ConnectPartners whom I consider as a real sparring partner from the moment when we advertise a position till the hire is finalized. I have mandated ConnectPartners for many researches, they always quickly understood the position, asked the right questions to then reach out to the candidates. They usually send a few very targeted CVs which correspond exactly to the position, this being a great added value since we do not need to spend too much time screening CVs which do not fit to our requirements. They also always consider the fit with the team, personality of the candidate and the manager in charge of the recruitment. Their assistance is also of great help during the negotiation process, which can be sometimes tricky, as well as the reference checks, providing very detailed and impartial feedback of the candidate they are introducing. Once the candidate is hired they also take the time to call the client to ensure that the onboarding is running smoothly and they also keep regular contact with the candidate. They always go the extra-mile than what is asked of them, which is what I particularly appreciate. They are always very available, friendly and you feel valued as a client working with them. I can only recommend Connect Partners and am in regular contact with them for many searches! Keep up the good work and thanks for your kindness and professionalism! »
« I have not encounter any other firm that treats the process with such respect and delicacy. With ConnectPartners, you are surely assuring quality over quantity. They possess vast knowledge of the banking sector, navigate perfectly the market and source the right individuals, finding the technical and cultural fit. They become true long-time partners and not just a one-off outsource service. Overall, their work ethics and savoir-faire is what has made them my recruiter of choice. »
« C’est un réel plaisir de travailler avec Constantin et son équipe. Une compréhension fine de nos métiers et de notre environnement de travail alliée à une connaissance du marché sont les ingrédients d’un partenariat construit avec le temps et basé sur la confiance. »